6 Tips to Care for Your Hearing in Sound
Posted On December 9, 2019
0 Hearing Protection Tips:
By following these smart hearing protection tips from hearing experts, you can help check hearing loss and be happier and improved in all areas of your life.
- Take everyday noise protection care – Wearing high-quality manufacturing earplugs or earmuffs helps protect your ears and your hearing.
- Avoid loud locations – You don’t have to be a musician or jackhammer operator to experience hearing loss on the job. While shows and production zones are two environments that regularly cause hearing loss, it can happen in any loud work environment around machinery, large vehicles, etc. Many unions need construction workers to have their hearing tested multiple times each year. While you may or may not need to do this, protecting your ears and avoiding extreme volumes will help in noise protection.
- Wear noise-canceling earphones – Many workers put on iPods and other music devices to cover out the sound of background noise. Instead of turning up your favorite tunes to risky levels, wear noise-canceling earplugs. This decreases the overall noise pollution without revealing your ears to additional strain.
- Abandon smoking and keep your blood sugar in check – Smoking doesn’t just damage your breathing, lungs, and heart. It exactly suffocates cells during your body, with those inside your ear canal. If you smoke, get your blood sugar levels checked regularly by your doctor to address any differences as it can be very damaging for your ears. Do take an expert’s information by visiting a hearing health center near you.
- Never stick anything inside your ear canal – It’s important to choose a safe noise protection device that doesn’t go too far into your ear canal. Similarly, you don’t want to be piercing anything in your ears to remove earwax, such as cotton cloths and other stick-like devices. If you suspect any hearing damage consults a professional hearing specialist and have your ears checked and tested.
- Use noise protection like earplugs when required – If you have hearing loss – or are at danger of it – you should be using noise protection devices like earplugs at work, on the road and in any other noisy rooms.